Saturday, December 15, 2007

Another Trip Down Memory Lane

How cute are these photos? They must be shared. I remember this day well, Alex, Josiah, Noah, Susie and I went to Great Times in Indianapolis. We had the place to ourselves. It was a blast. The boys have always been close and, interestingly enough, the ball pit is a great photo op, don't you think?

We successfully exhausted all 3, and they went home and took nice, long naps. Great Success!!

***After cleaning up my computer files I came across this old folder of Owen's birthday. Despite the look on my face, it was a wonderful occasion with lots of family. He was the largest baby I'd ever seen, and also one of the sweetest. It's amazing how much has changed since then. One thing that remains the same - he still wears diapers. Seriously.***

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Friday, November 9, 2007

Halloween 2007

We had so much fun trick or treating in our subdivision. I've never seen so many kids! The majority of neighbors were home, Johnny and Owen received a huge amount of candy. We went with our neighbors and their two boys, Christopher and Adrian. We're lucky all the boys get along so well. Alex was a teenage vampire, and too cool to go with us. He walked around to look for some friends and then went home. Owen was a Power Ranger, naturally. He saw some of his teammates walking around, John was Peter Pan.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Open Letter of Apology, from John

Dear Alex's Teachers and Principal,

My mom is making me write this letter to say I am sorry for my behavior at Alex's parent/teacher conference. I am sorry for many of the things that occurred during the 30 minute meeting including, but not limited to;

  • Pooping my pants and smelling up the entire room.
  • Grunting, turning red and bearing down on Mrs. Levo's chair while pooping said pants.
  • Choking on an animal cracker and throwing up on the carpet.
  • Principal Reagan's early exit (I believe I may have had something to do with that.)
  • Crying when the school's Speech Therapist wouldn't give me her pencil, then hitting her.
If you didn't insist on planning every meeting during my naptime, things might turn out better. I do not like for my schedule to be disrupted. But that is no excuse for my behavior.
