Thursday, November 1, 2007

Open Letter of Apology, from John

Dear Alex's Teachers and Principal,

My mom is making me write this letter to say I am sorry for my behavior at Alex's parent/teacher conference. I am sorry for many of the things that occurred during the 30 minute meeting including, but not limited to;

  • Pooping my pants and smelling up the entire room.
  • Grunting, turning red and bearing down on Mrs. Levo's chair while pooping said pants.
  • Choking on an animal cracker and throwing up on the carpet.
  • Principal Reagan's early exit (I believe I may have had something to do with that.)
  • Crying when the school's Speech Therapist wouldn't give me her pencil, then hitting her.
If you didn't insist on planning every meeting during my naptime, things might turn out better. I do not like for my schedule to be disrupted. But that is no excuse for my behavior.


1 comment:

SPRINK said...

Johnny you are forgiven. I bet you had a good time, even if no one else did.