Monday, October 15, 2007

Alex's Blog

Alex just started a blog, too. It's name is "megablogalex". It will be interesting to see what he posts there. We have had a nice, quiet evening with the little ones in bed by eight - yeah!

Alex has done really well with the move. I know it's hard when you're school-age, especially when you've attended the same school since Kindergarten, but he's doing great. He likes to go down to the pond and look for fossils (?) and would like to start a Destination Imagination club at school. I'm hoping to find a mom to swap nights with so I can coach it.

We ran into our neighbors during our walk tonight. It's so nice living next door to 2 little boys. Owen adores Christopher, who's 4, and they call each other "buddy". John and Adrian just play next to each other. We had them over with their parents for Owen's birthday dinner (a few days late, due to his scarlet fever) and it was a full house. 5 boys are very loud! At least we share a backyard - we meet out there several times a week before bedtime.

I have no new pics, yet so here are some older ones to look at - Alex and Owen at Gerta's, Harry Potter of Halloween past, Alex's first day of school!!, Johnny and Owen in the stroller at Gatlinburg.

1 comment:

Mamdace said...

I love all of the pictures! I'm so excited to be able to keep up with you all. I hope you update all the time! I love you and miss you...I was thinking about you the other day and just what a wonderful aunt you've been to me. I have a lot of really fun and happy memories with you, and for that I am grateful!