Sunday, October 14, 2007

Our first post!

Hi everyone! I'm going to need awhile to get the hang of this, but I thought this might be a good way to keep in touch out here in Ohio.

Aunt Laura was kind enough to send us a CD of the last pictures from Greentown, as well as some ultrasound photos!

On Saturday Alex, Owen, John and I participated in a walk for the Cincinnati Children's Hospital. The sponsors provided medals for everyone, pizza, drinks, clowns, music and flu shots, among other things. We had a great time.

It was at Coney Island, near the Kentucky Border so we crossed over the bridge and spent some time in Covington. After that, we picked up Ryan and went to Loveland to walk the trails a little.

As you can see, Johnny likes his Grandpa. He refuses to say "Momma" or "Mamaw" but has said "Dada" and "Papaw" for months! That's fine, he's sweet enough he can get by with it.

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